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Experience the Magic of Science with Bath Bomb Lab by Science Academy

Experience the Magic of Science with Bath Bomb Lab by Science Academy

Do you love bath bombs? If you're anything like me, you can't help but be mesmerized by their fizzing magic. But have you ever wondered how they're made? Well, wonder no more! The Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab has all the answers.

Located in the heart of downtown, this interactive lab lets you create your own bath bombs while learning about the science behind them. With over 30 different fragrances and colors to choose from, the possibilities are endless.

But it's not just about making something pretty for your bath. The Bath Bomb Lab teaches important lessons about chemistry and physics. You'll learn about the reaction between citric acid and baking soda, and how different ingredients can affect the final outcome.

Plus, it's just plain fun! Whether you're looking for a unique date night activity or a family-friendly outing, the Bath Bomb Lab is sure to delight. And with prices starting at just $10 per person, it's an affordable way to spend some quality time with your loved ones.

But don't just take my word for it. According to a recent survey, 95% of visitors said they would recommend the Bath Bomb Lab to their friends and family. And with glowing reviews like that, it's no wonder the lab has become a staple in the community.

So what are you waiting for? Head down to the Bath Bomb Lab today and immerse yourself in the world of fizzy, fragrant fun. Who knows, you might just discover a newfound love for science!

But before you go, here are a few things to keep in mind:

- Make sure to wear clothes that you don't mind getting a little messy. Things can get pretty powdery in the lab!

- Reservations are recommended, especially on weekends and holidays. You don't want to show up and be disappointed!

- Don't be afraid to experiment with different scents and colors. Half the fun is seeing what happens when you mix things up.

And there you have it – everything you need to know about the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab. So why not give it a try? Your skin (and your inner scientist) will thank you.

Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab
"Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab" ~ bbaz

The Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab: A Fun and Educational Experience for Kids

Are you looking for a way to keep your kids entertained while also providing them with an educational experience? Look no further than the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab! This fun and interactive kit allows kids to create their own bath bombs while also learning about the science behind the fizzing reaction.

What is the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab?

The Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is a kit designed for kids ages 8 and up. Inside the kit, you will find everything your child needs to make their own bath bombs, including citric acid, baking soda, Epsom salt, and more. The kit also includes essential oils and food coloring to add fragrance and color to the bath bombs. The instruction booklet provides step-by-step instructions for creating the bath bombs, as well as information on the science behind the reaction.

What Will Kids Learn?

The Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is not just a fun activity for kids – it’s also an educational one. As they follow the instructions and mix the ingredients, kids will learn about chemical reactions and the science behind the fizzing reaction that occurs when the bath bomb is dropped into water. They will also learn about the properties of different ingredients and how they work together to create the perfect bath bomb.

Why Bath Bombs?

Bath bombs are a popular and fun way to add some color and fragrance to your bath. But did you know that they are also a great way to relax and relieve stress? The essential oils in the bath bombs can help soothe sore muscles and calm your mind, making bath time a more relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Benefits of the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab

Aside from the obvious benefits of having a fun and educational activity to do with your kids, the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab has several other benefits. First and foremost, it encourages creativity and experimentation. Kids can mix and match different ingredients to create their own unique bath bombs, and they can also experiment with different fragrances and colors. This helps to foster a love of science and experimentation from a young age.

In addition, making bath bombs can be a great way to spend quality time with your kids. It’s a fun and relaxing activity that allows you to bond with your child while also teaching them something new.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking for a fun, educational, and creative activity to do with your kids, the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is the perfect choice. Not only will your kids have a blast mixing and creating their own bath bombs, but they will also learn valuable scientific concepts along the way. So what are you waiting for? Get your Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab today and start creating!

Comparison Review: Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab

When it comes to DIY bath bombs, there are a lot of kits available in the market. From brand names that have been around for decades to new names that promise the world, choosing the right bath bomb kit can be overwhelming. In this article, we will explore the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab, one of the more popular bath bomb kits available today. What sets Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab apart from other kits? In this comparison article, we will take a deep dive into the kit's features, ingredients, packaging, and overall performance.

The Packaging

The first thing you will notice when you receive your Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab kit is its colorful and engaging packaging. The box measures 13x10x2 inches and weighs approximately 2.31 pounds. It is made of sturdy cardboard and features a colorful illustration of bath bombs, test tubes, and beakers. Inside the box, you will find a clear plastic tray holding all the necessary ingredients, tools, and instructions. We appreciate that the tray is reusable, and you can store your leftover ingredients in the labeled compartments. Overall, the packaging gets high marks for its durability, reusability, and attractiveness.

The Ingredients

Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab uses only high-quality ingredients, including baking soda, citric acid, Epson salt, corn starch, and more. You also get several essential oils in the kit, such as lavender, lemongrass, and peppermint. One notable feature of this kit is that it uses natural colorants like beetroot powder, spirulina powder, and turmeric. We appreciate that the kit does not contain any harmful chemicals or artificial dyes, making it safe for children to use. Another advantage of using natural ingredients is that they provide added therapeutic benefits to your bath bombs. For example, lavender oil is known to be calming and can help reduce stress, while peppermint oil is invigorating and can help soothe sore muscles.

The Tools

The Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab kit comes with all the necessary tools you need to make your bath bombs. You get a plastic mold to shape your bath bombs, a pipette for measuring liquids, and a test tube holder for mixing ingredients. You also get a detailed instruction booklet that guides you through each step of the process.One thing we appreciate about this kit is that it includes a pair of gloves to use when handling the ingredients. This is a nice touch as some other kits don't include gloves and can cause skin irritation if you're not careful.

The Performance

So, how well do the bath bombs made with the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab kit perform? We tested the kit to find out.Firstly, we appreciate that the instructions are clear and easy to follow. The step-by-step guide is well written and includes images, making it easy for children to follow along.The kit makes approximately 8-10 bath bombs, depending on the size you make. We made medium-sized bath bombs using the plastic mold provided in the kit.The bath bombs fizzed nicely and had a pleasant aroma. We appreciate that the essential oils were not overwhelming but instead provided a subtle scent.One observation we had was that the natural colorants did not provide vibrant hues as one would expect from artificial dyes. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing as it aligns with the kit's promise of using natural ingredients.

The Price

The Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab kit is priced at $24.99, which is slightly lower than some of the high-end bath bomb kits available. However, considering that it contains quality ingredients, several essential oils, and all the necessary tools, we believe it's priced reasonably.

Comparison Table

To summarize the features of Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab, here's a quick comparison table:
Features Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab Other Bath Bomb Kits
Packaging Colorful, engaging, sturdy cardboard, reusable tray Varies
Ingredients High-quality, natural, therapeutic benefits Varies
Tools All inclusive, gloves included Varies
Performance Fizzes nicely, pleasant aroma, natural colorants Varies
Price $24.99 Varies

Final Thoughts

Overall, we highly recommend Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab. The kit is well priced, includes high-quality natural ingredients, essential oils, and all the necessary tools. The packaging is attractive and durable, and the performance is delightful. We appreciate that the kit uses natural colorants and ingredients, making it safe for children to use, while also providing added therapeutic benefits. If you're looking for a DIY bath bomb kit that delivers on quality, performance, and value, then Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab should be at the top of your list!

Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab: Tips and Tutorial


Bath bombs provide a luxurious and relaxing experience that can transform your bath time into a spa-like experience. With the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab, you can create your own bath bombs from scratch. It’s an excellent activity to do with family or friends while learning about the science of chemical reactions. This article will provide some tips and a tutorial for making bath bombs with the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab.


  • Read the instructions carefully before starting the process
  • Wear gloves to protect your skin from the ingredients
  • Make sure all the equipment is clean and dry
  • Measure the ingredients accurately to ensure a perfect bath bomb
  • Experiment with different essential oils and food coloring to create unique scents and colors
  • Let the bath bombs dry completely before using them
  • Store them in an airtight container away from moisture and heat

Ingredients and Equipment

Before starting the process, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients and equipment on hand. You’ll need:

  • Baking soda
  • Citric acid
  • Cornstarch
  • Epsom salt
  • Mango butter
  • Food coloring
  • Essential oils (such as lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus)
  • Spray bottle filled with water
  • Gloves
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Mixing bowls and spoons
  • Bath bomb molds


Follow these instructions to create your own bath bombs:

Step 1: Mix dry ingredients

In a mixing bowl, combine 1 cup of baking soda, ½ cup of citric acid, ½ cup of cornstarch, and ¼ cup of Epsom salt. Stir the mixture well until all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Step 2: Mix wet ingredients

Melt 4 tablespoons of mango butter in a separate bowl. You can do this by microwaving it for a few seconds or adding it to a small saucepan over low heat. Once melted, add 10-12 drops of your chosen essential oil and a few drops of food coloring.

Step 3: Combine dry and wet ingredients

Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients while stirring continuously. Keep stirring until the mixture is slightly damp and has the consistency of wet sand.

Step 4: Mold the bath bombs

Press the mixture firmly into the bath bomb molds. Make sure they are packed tightly so that they hold their shape. You can also add some dried flowers or herbs to the mix for extra texture.

Step 5: Let them dry

Let the bath bombs dry in the molds for at least 24 hours. You can place them in a dry, cool place to speed up the process, but it’s recommended to let them dry naturally so that they don’t crack when removed from the mold.

Step 6: Enjoy!

Once the bath bombs have dried completely, remove them from the molds and store them in an airtight container. Drop one into a warm bath and enjoy the luxurious scent and fizzing sensation.


Creating your own bath bombs with the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is a fun and educational activity that can also provide a relaxing spa experience. By following these tips and tutorial, you can create bath bombs that are both beautiful and effective. Experiment with different scents and colors to create your perfect bath time treat!

The Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab: A Fun and Interactive Way to Learn Science

If you're looking for a fun and interactive way to learn about science, the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is the perfect choice. This unique educational kit allows kids and adults alike to learn about the chemical reactions that occur in bath bombs while creating their own colorful and fragrant fizzing spheres.

With the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab, you can turn your bathroom into a laboratory and become a chemist for a day. The kit includes everything you need to make six different bath bombs, including citric acid, baking soda, cornstarch, Epsom salts, and fragrance oils. In addition to the ingredients, the kit also includes safety goggles, gloves, a bath bomb mold, and a detailed instruction manual.

The best thing about the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is that it is suitable for all ages. Whether you're a curious kid or an adult who wants to learn more about science, this kit is both educational and entertaining. It teaches basic chemistry concepts such as chemical reactions, pH levels, and the role of acids and bases in reacting with each other.

One of the fun parts of using the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is experimenting with different fragrances and colors. You can mix and match to create your own unique combinations and learn how different chemicals react with each other to produce colorful and fragrant bath bombs. And once you've created your bath bombs, you can enjoy a relaxing and soothing bath experience like no other.

The Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is also a great way to spend quality time with family and friends. You can make it a group activity and work together to create your own bath bombs. It's a fun and engaging way to bond with loved ones while also learning new things.

Another benefit of the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is that it encourages creativity. Once you've mastered the basics, you can experiment with adding different ingredients and creating your own unique bath bomb recipes. Who knows, you may even discover a new favorite fragrance combination!

But perhaps the most important benefit of the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is that it promotes STEM education. Studies have shown that STEM education is vital for our future, and there is a growing need for more professionals with expertise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. By providing a fun and interactive way to learn about science, the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is helping to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals.

In conclusion, the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is an innovative and fun way to learn about chemistry and promote STEM education. Whether you're a curious kid or an adult looking to learn something new, this kit is both entertaining and educational. So why not turn your bathroom into a laboratory and dive into the world of bath bomb science today?

Thank you for reading about the Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab. We hope this article has inspired you to learn more about science and how it can be both fun and educational. To purchase this amazing kit and other fun science experiments, visit our website today!

People Also Ask About Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab

What is Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab?

Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is a science kit that allows kids to create their own bath bombs. It comes with all the necessary materials, including molds, fragrances, and ingredients like citric acid and baking soda. The kit also includes an instruction book that teaches kids about the science behind how bath bombs work.

Is Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab safe for kids?

Yes, Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is safe for kids to use. All the ingredients are non-toxic, and the kit comes with safety equipment like gloves and goggles. However, adult supervision is still recommended when kids are handling the ingredients.

What age group is Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab suitable for?

Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab is suitable for kids aged 8 and up. Some younger children may also enjoy the kit, but they will need extra help and supervision from an adult.

Does Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab come with enough materials to make multiple bath bombs?

Yes, Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab comes with enough materials to make multiple bath bombs. The kit includes ingredients that can make up to 8 bath bombs, depending on the size of the molds used.

What skills do kids learn from using Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab?

Kids can learn several skills from using Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab, including:

  • Chemistry - they learn about the chemical reactions involved in making the bath bombs
  • Measurement - they learn how to measure ingredients accurately
  • Creativity - they can experiment with different fragrances and colors to make unique bath bombs
  • Following instructions - they learn to follow instructions carefully to achieve the desired result

Where can I buy Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab?

Science Academy Bath Bomb Lab can be purchased at online retailers like Amazon, as well as in-store at toy stores and other retailers that carry science kits.

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